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Paradoxical Time


(In Developmentolvment)

A game for those who want to leave their reality behind. Where dreams and nightmares, love and desire, insanity and kindness, good and evil, joy and sadness, death and life go hand in hand.

One world or several worlds? A timeline or several timelines?

In this world no matter how much you reset. As much as you go back, nothing will be forgotten. The choices will define you. They will be your judgment for your story.

Don't let the person with the bright yellow eyes know NOTHING ABOUT YOU !!!

Or else, she will ...

Well! Let's say this will cost you a lot more than your LIFE!


Paradoxical Time Refraction


The game was made for a college project on the topic of Reducing Inequalities. 

In the game, you walk through an ocean with some walls with writing that appear as you walk.


Paradoxical Time System Error

This game has a very simple premise.
Take the papers across the map, avoid finding system errors.
And reach the final room.
The game's story appears not to make much sense. And that's the goal.
Because it was created only to prepare the ground for a game that will be released in the future.


Paradoxical Time Corrupted Memories


The game is very simple. With some platform elements, puzzles and a bit of mystery.

You play as our protagonist and must help her return to consciousness. Wandering through the memories of your past and origins.


Paradoxical Time Wanna Play With Me?


The game is based on a chess game, but with a high risk factor: you can only play once.

In the game you play against a mysterious entity to unlock story snippets and other pieces of information that correlate to a bigger story.

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